Mighty Max Collection – Doom Zone & Horror Head Play Set Toys

Mighty Max was a collection of monster-themed miniature play sets. Launching in the UK in 1991, these little play sets came in multiple waves and sizes. Doom Zones, Horror Heads and a few more unusual ‘styles’, like the Battle Warriors, Shrunken Heads and Dread Heads. Each of the sets was based on a certain horror theme and created the inspiration for the Mighty Max TV series.

Each of the play sets also included a brief comic book story on the back of the card. Mighty Max’s hat would warp him to each location to defeat a world-threatening villain and we would see the fight unfold. Mighty Max would later be joined by Virgil and Norman in the TV Series to guide him and provide extra muscle.

I’ve been reviewing a large range of my own Mighty Max sets. For any kid raised in the 90’s, they’re incredibly nostalgic toys and I’ve had a lot of fun pulling my sets apart and talking about what made them so special.


Mighty Max Horror Heads

The Horror Heads are smaller than the Doom Zones. Each of the Horror Heads comes complete with a Mighty Max figure, an enemy and sometimes a third piece. An extra vehicle or enemy figure.

In my own Mighty Max collection, the Horror Heads are extremely nostalgic and as a kid, a lot more accessible than the Doom Zones were.

Check out the Horror Head Review Marathon

or watch our review for Rams Rhesus, a playset that didn’t stay in the collection, here.


Mighty Max Doom Zones

The heavy hitters on the Mighty Max toy line, the Doom Zones was where the magic really happened. Larger than the Horror Heads, but still an easy size to pack back up, the Doom Zones lasted for 4 different waves and often featured multiple enemies, play features and accessories.

A lot of the play sets in the Mighty Max toy line tied back in with an episode from the TV Cartoon, but the Doom Zones really created an awesome opportunity to flesh our the scenes from our favorite Doom Zones.

Battle Warriors – Battle Max – Action Masters

Blue Bird toys released a wave of Mighty Max play sets that look like action figures. These figures tend to have a villain, Mighty Max and an extra weapon or accessory. The playsets are usually pretty small, but I always appreciated how they blend the larger monster into the story and essentially, use it as its own character.

In total, there were 6 different Battle Warrior / Battle Max playsets. In addition to the 3 I’ve reviewed, there was also Mighty Max Shatters Gargoyle, Head to Head with Hydra and Defeats Conqueror, a lion style Battle Warrior set.

Watch the Strikes Phang review
Check out the Lava Beast Review
Watch the Cybot Review

The rest of the Mighty Max Collection

The Mighty Max Toy Line included a few less common series, like the Dread Heads that were disembodied monster heads with tufts of troll hair. At this ultra-small play set size, we also got treated to the shrunken heads. I don’t have any of these to show in the video, but essentially we got a combination of Dread Heads mixed with Doom Zones. Small monster heads that contained a single Mighty Max figure.

Mighty Max Dread Heads Play Sets

There was also a collection of deluxe play sets that were bigger than the Doom Zones but still used the miniature scale. Blasts Magus was covered in the video but without a complete figure, I don’t have a separate review on the figure.

There’s a great, detailed review on Blasts Magus here. But the Mighty Max toy line had several larger playsets such as Skull Mountain, Dragon Island and the Skullmaster Bust.


See all our Mighty Max Reviews here