Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (Atari Lynx)

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (Atari Lynx)

It’s a trip through time that’ll leave you lost and confused.



This game was a real surprise, it is a severely difficult puzzler. Bill and Ted need to get their ‘babes’ back from the Grim Reaper, so they need to travel through different eras following a trail of musical notes the Grim Reaper left behind. You’ll be able to see certain locations in two different time zones and there’s a whole host of characters, from folk heroes and emperors to just people who walk around looking identical. This is a really well produced game.

If you feel your Atari Lynx could use a few different games, some variety, Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure is a game you won’t be able to just pick up for a different console, it’s an extremely worthwhile adventure in your pocket. Great for fans who wanted to see more after the second movie.